Monday, March 28, 2011

Digging up of 40% and 60%

So it seemed like there would be no results for the 40% and 60% plants, which was perfectly fine.  So I decided to dig it up to see what the results would be.

To note, so far, 5 of the 6 planted control group have sprouted and grown.

In the 40% environ, there were two seeds that sprouted.  However, they didn't sprout effectively.  Looked rather yellow and dead.  Their respective lengths were 6 cm and 3.5 cm.

In the 40% acrylic, three seeds germinated briefly and died.  Two seeds germinated and grew 5 cm and 7.5 cm respectively The 7.5 cm looked decently healthy.

In the 60% environ, nothing germinated.

In the 60% acrylic, there was one germination, with a growth of around 2.5 cm.

The surprising thing about these results is that acrylic is faring better than environmental friendly paint.




Acrylic 20%

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