Monday, March 28, 2011

Digging up of 40% and 60%

So it seemed like there would be no results for the 40% and 60% plants, which was perfectly fine.  So I decided to dig it up to see what the results would be.

To note, so far, 5 of the 6 planted control group have sprouted and grown.

In the 40% environ, there were two seeds that sprouted.  However, they didn't sprout effectively.  Looked rather yellow and dead.  Their respective lengths were 6 cm and 3.5 cm.

In the 40% acrylic, three seeds germinated briefly and died.  Two seeds germinated and grew 5 cm and 7.5 cm respectively The 7.5 cm looked decently healthy.

In the 60% environ, nothing germinated.

In the 60% acrylic, there was one germination, with a growth of around 2.5 cm.

The surprising thing about these results is that acrylic is faring better than environmental friendly paint.




Acrylic 20%

Friday, March 11, 2011

Growth in Control Group

Control group is starting to actively grow in height.  Will start taking measurements starting today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


My plants have finally started to germinate properly, I think.  The control group has definitely germinated as on schedule.  What is of more interest though, is that the acrylic 20% plant has started germination.  Even before the environmental.  Perhaps it is just that the environmental is germinating under the soil and I can't see.  But anyways, pictures.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day... Something

Right.  I decided to add two additional plants, one 20% Environmentally friendly, and 20% Acrylic.  I did this after deciding to cut out the oil based paint mixture.  I also decided to do this after my 60% Acrylic pot turned into a blue gooey mess.  I doubt the beans will be able to survive in such an environment.  Especially the 60% on the right.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Day

So I decided to start my ISU today.  Got all my materials together in the basement, and am ready to start potting and planting.

Scratch that.  I still need to figure out a problem with the oil paint not diluting in water.  Now that I've thought about that a little bit, I think I should just cancel that variable in my experiment.  Tomorrow, I will go do some research in the art department and get confirmation for crossing off oil based paint in my experiment with Mr. Chung.
And now for some photos: